Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present aware and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. Our thirty-minute classes are designed to fit into your busy lifestyle so that you can make mindfulness part of your everyday life. We serve tea before and after class so that you can connect with your meditation community. We invite you to join us when time allows to enhance your healing journey.

Why Meditation
Meditation is the practice of not letting our thoughts, emotions, and ego run the show. It improves our mood, creates more positive emotions, decreases anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed, makes us less reactive, and decreases burnout.
So then why does it sometimes feel like a trip to the dentist?
The simple answer is that our nervous systems are fried and we are living off of acute response stress hormones. We live in a world of 24 hours a day, go-go-go; constantly bombarded with an enlist list of to-do’s, bills, an overwhelming amount of traumatic news around the world, and social media burnout (just to name a few).
Mindfulness gives you resiliency. It allows you to step back, breathe and get back into the driver's seat of your life. It is the soothing balm your nervous system desperately craves, and it is scientifically proven to push the reset button on your overall well-being.
Anam Cara Healing Center believes mindfulness is a lifestyle, a way of being and we are on a mission to help make it mainstream and available to all.
The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear
The Benefits of Meditation
Committing to your mindfulness practice is committing to living more consciously and deeper in tune. The natural results are less stress and less anxiety while helping us learn to regulate emotions. Allowing yourself to sit with uncertainty can unlock boundless opportunities from deep within. Meditation can also allow us to experience deep joy as it rewires our brain to celebrate wins.
Benefits of mindfulness:
Improved sleep
Reduced stress
Softens anxiety
Improves focus
Provides confidence
Decrease chronic pain
Boost mental health
Enhance relationship satisfaction
By making a commitment to our membership program, you are making a promise to yourself that is priceless. Since you commit to us, you can trust that we will commit back to you by providing a space that is just what you need in your healing journey.

The Schedule
We offer daily meditation classes and we invite you to join as a member to make it part of your lifestyle. The key to any sort of meditation is consistency and that is why our leading offer is membership. Our meditation classes are led by a team of intentionally chosen guides that exude relaxation and clarity.
Allow our team to help you combine breathing with concentration in order to open spaces of mental clarity.