Meet Rae Erickson


Holistic Practitioner, Vocal Embodiment Coach, Yogic Guide, and Ancestral Divination Guide

Hey there, my name is Rae. As a young human, I sought out answers for chronic health struggles and general disconnect to living a fully embodied life. I found Yoga at sixteen years old and have been ‘pulling at the strings’ of Holistic Medicine since then. Passionate about connecting the body, soul, heart, and mind, it is my aim to guide you, to walk alongside you with the large repertoire of tools in my arsenal. 

I am a certified Yogic Guide who specializes in Nutrition, Somatics and Embodiment practices. I honor many different traditions/culture is this work - but honor those closest to me personally. As a practitioner, I believe there is deep power in connecting to your ancestral roots including any animals or herbal medicines that come along with that. Through this access and connection, we are able to dive more deeply into your inherited gifts, wounds, and genetic codes to embody all of the magic that you are. 

I look forward to meeting you.

IG - @iamraeerickson

    • Ancestral Divination $99 (60min): Each session begins with an auric cleanse & grounding meditation  and/or vocal bath to set the container and access the most embodied vibration of you. Afterwards, we will discuss your intentions and desires for the reading. This is a safe, secure space and any/all information shared is kept confidential. 

    I use a combination of divination tools depending on your needs including: Tarot, Oracle and Rune energy. We will step into that space together and pull from whichever/all sources depending on our goals for the time. I will share insights and intuitive guidance from said tools and we will discuss as you desire. In all of my sessions, my intention is to bring about whatever information is needed for you to embody the fullest expression of YOU. 

    • New Student Vocal Embodiment $133 (75min): Your voice is the key to your soul’s inner workings - that is the goal of the work done in Vocal Embodiment. This work is for you no matter if you think you have a beautiful voice or feel you can’t hold a melody. Any and all are welcome here. Each session begins with an auric cleanse & grounding meditation and/or vocal bath to set the container and access the most embodied vibration of you. Afterwards, we will discuss your intentions and desires for the coaching session. The more open and honest you are, the more you will receive from this first session. This is a safe, secure space and any/all information shared is kept confidential. 

    Through your lessons, we will embody different methods of primal, vocal sounds - but first we focus on our connection to body & breath. We will move through gentle movement of the spine, hips and shoulders while connected to deep, slow breaths in & out - primarily through the nose. Your specific desires will be heard throughout the session. I believe that each of these coaching sessions are unique and require open, vulnerable communication. Questions are always welcome. Please feel free to bring your own drum. Percussive instrument or preferred instrument, a journal and water. It is an agreement between you and only you to take this work home and practice on your own. The more time spent in these practices, the more deeply you will begin to notice the shift. 

    • Established Student Vocal Embodiment $111 (60min): Each session begins with an auric cleanse & grounding meditation and/or vocal bath to set the container and access the most embodied vibration of you. This is a safe, secure space and any/all information shared is kept confidential. 

    Through your lessons, we will build on embodying different methods of primal, vocal sounds  and connecting to your personal goals with this work. It is ideal if you are able to come to these sessions having already awakened your body slightly with the gentle movements taught in your first session. As always, your specific desires will be heard throughout the session. I believe that each of these coaching sessions are unique and require open, vulnerable communication. Questions are always welcome. Please feel free to bring your own drum. Percussive instrument or preferred instrument, a journal and water.

  • Expression of your truest self, speaking your truth, advocating for yourself & others with embodied power, healing ancestral limitations, and confidence.

  • Each session is created with an intention of safety & only open to the purest expressions of love & self. Tools used include sound healing tools like sound bowls, drums, chimes or bells and elements (fire/water/earth/air). Divination tools (if needed/desired) include Tarot, Oracle & Runes. Each session has allotted time for therapeutic conversation, intake time to allow a personalized plan to best support you and time to reflect on your experience to allow integration in a safe space. 

  • I was born a healer. It was chosen for me and the more I tried to deny it, the louder the universe was in order to get my attention. I learned through trials of health, heart and home that this really is the most empowering path that I could be on in this life. Not because it gives me power - but because it connects me to others, which then connects them to others and so on. We are meant to live in community; in our tribe circles. My intention is to remind you of that and walk alongside you as you remember all of the beauty that is already inside of you and always has been. You are a healer, too, you may just need to be reminded.